Ignite Your Inner Voice!
often we are told trust your intuition, listen to it, use it…
or, the very common ‘trust your gut’ or ‘gut instinct’
but not everyone feels intuitive nudges in their gut
instinct comes as a biological reaction, part of the fight-flight-freeze-fawn-faint protection measures of the sympathetic nervous system
intuition comes from a deeper, heart-led place within, gentler in delivery with a spacious quality, which can be refined with practice
but what if you haven't learned to discern the difference?
or even know how to begin?
What if you're unsure and questioning ‘is this my intuition or my mind chatter?’
You're right where you're meant to be
This is your opportunity to ignite your intuition
(or re-ignite if you feel you've Misplaced connection to it)
so you can make decisions more easily and take aligned action towards your desires with more confidence!
introductory workshop for intuitive listening!
Self-led, lifetime access
~ 75 minutes
only $44
Have you ever wondered how to hear your intuition?
It took me many years and various methods with lots of practice to detect my intuition and discern its messages meant for me.
Often, folks say "trust your intuition" but what if you aren't really sure how to access it?
What if you've gotten occasional 'hits' or 'downloads' or 'knowings' yet they seem to happen haphazardly?
Have you ever had a big decision upcoming and wished you could tap into more clarity and guidance?
If you answered yes to any of the above, this introductory workshop is meant for you!
The work we do on ourselves becomes our gift to everyone else.
Did you know?
We each possess intuition!
When we speak from this place, our voice, words, and message is amplified even more…
Tapping into the belief from within, listening to and honoring your inner voice is easier than it may seem…you have to be willing to explore it with loving awareness.
Our inner voice is our intuition: that soul-led, Divinely sourced guide that is our truest self, a gentle whisper within, or a deeper ‘knowing’. This inner voice expresses our truths, our desires, our being-ness.
It might speak to us in words, phrases, images or symbols, but it does speak to us.
When we are most aligned, when we are honoring ourselves and tuning in daily to listen, that Divine inner voice can emerge powerfully, and be spoken out loud with our physical voice.
You're invited to ignite your intuitive inner voice, refine your ability to hear/sense/see/feel it, and gain practice discerning and speaking from this place.
Why? You speak with more trust in yourself. You make decisions with more ease. You speak with less mind-chatter and more in flow of what's coming through you. You speak with resonant energy so that not only do others perk up their ears, but most importantly, you believe in what you are expressing.
Here's what others are saying
Cathy E.
“I thought of you because I was just having one of my 3am, wide awake, omigod am I doing the right thing? moments about a big decision and I felt the really quiet subtle "yes" in my body but only recognized it because of the exercise we did! And now, I think I can go to sleep but before I did I had to follow you here and just say thank you so much for that awesome, wonderful tool!”
Maria U.
"You are magical!"
Dora Henke
"It reminded me of a guided meditation, but better! You allowed me to dig a little deeper and notice some things about myself that I kind of knew but ignored. I also think it would benefit others because it will allow them to explore parts of themselves they may not even know how to access. Or notice things they may not be fully aware that are happening. After going through the workshop, I would do it again and even pay more if she asked for it!"
$ 44
you'll Receive:
You can start right now by listening to and following that loving voice within.
YOur vocal vitality, LLC.
2025. All rights reserved.